Monday 2 June 2008

AFTRA - Amptp Still Apart

A deal between the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers may not be around the corner as many industry observers had forecast. In a message to AFTRA members on Monday, union President Roberta Reardon said, "We are confronting a number of challenging issues, and a resolution may not be quick or easy." She indicated that because both sides had agreed on a press blackout, she could not disclose the nature of the disagreements. Nevertheless, she assured members, "our discussions with the Industry have been professional and businesslike, and we remain focused on continuing negotiations in this vein." Reardon's message did note that AFTRA, like the Screen Actors Guild, will continue to insist that its members consent to the use of their performances in new media, i.e., the Internet.

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